Terms and Conditions

This is the page that explains our business. Ambassadors for Dogs, LLC is in the information marketing business.  Our job is to provide free and paid for information to people that have a vested interest in dogs.  Our goal is to promote good relationships between people and dogs.

The kind of information we provide is focused on dogs and dog care including training, feeding, exercise, play, breeds, medical care and getting your dog to be the best dog ever.  We don’t want your dog to end up in the pound and euthanized when a few behavior modifications are all he really needs.  We’d also like your dog to remain a healthy, happy part of your family and not get sick or hurt in a preventable accident.

The information is provided through this website, with written, audio and video posts.  You may be able to order dvds and printed materials from this website.  We also provide downloadable information products that are in electronic format such as pdf files or eBooks, audio mp3 files, and flash videos.  Some of these downloads are free and some you have to pay for.  You may need to supply your email address and/or shipping and billing address for delivery in some cases.

The information we provide comes from a variety of sources including professional dog trainers, veterinarians, veterinarian assistants, dog owners and other dog care professionals.  We offer training information with carefully produced videos and recorded dog training seminars.  If you would like to contribute to this effort please contact us through Customer Service to discuss your ideas.  We are always looking for quality dog related information.

We try to post high quality information that we feel is helpful and positive in building a dog to human relationship.  You may not agree with everything you see here.  We may also post information offering different viewpoints on the same subject and let you decide for yourself what makes sense.  Not every situation is the same.

Any private forums we provide will be a way for private members to share information about their dogs including pictures, videos and written material.  Private forums are for registered customers only. 

Blog readers may also post comments to the blog.  The blog is public and open to anyone.  We will remove all spam comments. No foul language please.

By providing information to this website you are saying that the information is OK to be there up on this blog or private forum with all the world to see.  We do not try to keep others from viewing this information or protect any copyrights you may have. By posting to this site you are saying that it is OK for Ambassadors for Dogs, LLC to use the information on the site and will hold harmless Ambassadors for Dogs, LLC for any and all copyright infringement or any other legal issues you can dream up.

Problems With Purchased Product: If you purchase information from us we want  you to benefit from it.  If you have any questions about the content, the delivery method, how to use it, problems using it or problems with your dog please contact us through customer service so we can help you get the most out of it.

Refunds and Returns: If you don’t like your purchased products for any reason, let us know why and we will refund your money within 60 days of the purchase date. 

Contact us by email info@ambassadorsfordogs.com or phone us at 888 900-9877 to arrange a return and obtain the nearest return shipping location. Leave a message and we will return your call within 24 hours, M-F, excluding US holidays.